Thursday, December 23, 2021

ujjayi pranayama


UJJAYI Pranayama                  - Kamala Bharadwaj

Meaning : It means victorious to conquer or acquire by conquest . It is known as the psychic breath because of its effects on the mind


  1. Contraction of glottis

  2. Khechari + 1 (contraction of glottis)

  3. Jalandra + 1 (contraction of glottis)

  4. Jalandra + 2 (Khechari and contraction of glottis)

Psychic breath

It occurs spontaneously when concentration becomes Deep and intense.The practice of ujjayi is so simple that it can be done in any position anywhere. 

It is often used in combination with Mantra repetition ie; Japa on your Guru Mantra or so ham, hamso. It is used in meditation practices, kriya yoga and yoga nidra because it helps relax the physical body and the mind, it develops awareness of the subtle body and psychic sensitivity. It promotes internalization of senses and pratyahara.


simple Ujjayi is done with the Japa for reputation of Soham as you breathe and feel the breath move up the spine mentally repeat 'so' and as you exit and feel the breath move down the spine mentally repeat 'ham' this, can also be incorporated with asana practice for specific therapeutic purposes example

  • when practicing makarasana for sciatica for spinal spondylitis

  • shashankasana for menstrual tension insomnia and emotional disturbance.

  • It can also be incorporated into asana practice purely to increase the awareness and stimulate sushumna. 

  • Insomnia and mental tension can be highly benefited by practising Ujjayi. 

  • It is a must in the yogic management of heart disease.

CONTRA INDICATION However anyone with low blood pressure must first correct their condition before taking up the practice

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